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AI, definition of artificial intelligence robots.

Can Alan Turing, a British mathematician and scientist in 1950, even think of machines?The development of artificial intelligence robots, which started with this question, has become a reality.

However, robots that often appear in movies and dramas are often mixed with artificial intelligence and confuse artificial intelligence with robots, so you should know them separately.

Since the field of artificial intelligence has become close to us very recently, most robots shown in the media are often equipped with artificial intelligence technology, but these two have different purposes from the beginning.

In this posting, we will post detailed definitions to help you understand artificial intelligence and robots accurately.

The role of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is responsible for solving information processing that receives, interprets, and extracts results. The most important issues are what results are extracted when and how information is processed, what meaning it has, and how accurate it is.

If it is artificial intelligence to predict a problem, how high the accuracy of predicting the problem will be the most important, and it will be important to extract the outcome prediction based on the given information. In this way, artificial intelligence is a field that starts with information and ends with information, so it has nothing to do with mechanical elements like robots.

The role of a robot.

Robotics is an important issue, starting with what kind of driver to use, how to make it considering the body and use of the robot, how to control which part of the driver to operate the physically existing mechanical system quickly and accurately.

For example, a human robot with a motor embedded in its arm will have to efficiently control the power to move the motor and motor and move the arm at the target angle as soon as possible. People like us can easily move their arms without much thought through long-term evolution, but moving a machine as they want is an engineering technology that requires considerable difficulty than imagined.

In particular, if you go into the robotics area in more detail, the response speed becomes very important, and this response speed is a very small second area, so you don’t even have time to judge what and decide on your next action.

AI Organizes Artificial Intelligence Robots

Extracting new information based on complex information and large amounts of data is a completely different problem to use a computer to operate a complex machine system with a highly automated algorithm. Moving the body as desired is a very difficult task for humans because it is more of a mechanical problem than a problem that requires intelligence.

Just as there is artificial intelligence that only works inside the computer like AlphaGo and robots that are driven by simple algorithms and control programs, the two can be seen as “complementary relationships” rather than tied together.

Currently, artificial intelligence robots are constantly being developed in our society as artificial intelligence and robots complement each other. The recognition ability of robots that we sometimes take important and serious should be prioritized in order for recognizable artificial intelligence robots to be created and have positive results.