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How to test your liking?

In a living society, favorability is a very important and sensitive part of belonging.

We often feel likable in attractive appearance, behavior, or atmosphere, and although it is not a specific figure, we can measure it individually.

One of the important parts of life, likeability.

How can I test and diagnose it?

I have shared the method in detail below.

Alpha Face - Liability Test

It’s a test that looks high in accuracy.

It can be tested and diagnosed through AI and artificial intelligence favorability tests provided by Alpha Face.

We made it so that you don’t have to take the results seriously and provide fun and enjoyment, so it would be good to enjoy it.

Click the link below to test and diagnose favorability.

“Going to test for favorability”

(Source: AlphaFace - Liability Test)

Check the accuracy by sharing the results.

How to increase your interest.

I will introduce you to one of the best ways.

It’s a method other than the appearance, so anyone can refer to it.

“Contact effect”.

The more we see each other, the more we like each other.

There are so many papers and research that social psychology actually deals with, and this is called the “simple contact effect.”

American psychologist Giants announced as a result that it would improve favorability through actual experiments, and evaluated students with 12 photos selected from the graduation album.

I randomly mixed 12 photos and continued to show them, and it was confirmed that the more pictures I showed, the higher my favorability.

In the case of the picture shown 25 times, the likeability is 1.5 times higher than the picture that has never been shown.

Each person seems to have a favorite appearance, but the result shows that just because they saw a lot, their liking for the person has increased.

Exposure and contacting yourself as often as possible within the range of the other person’s gaze, which is a must-go procedure for successful relationship and sociality.

Obviously, the degree of contact should have objectivity, but if you want to win the favor of the other person, there is nothing better than having quite a lot of opportunities to encounter unconditionally.